01 February 2019

Download the Canon Sustainability Report 2018

Canon Sustainability Report 2018
Image : Canon Global (Canon Sustainability Report 2018)
Canon Sustainability Report 2018

Editorial Policy
Every year Canon publishes the Canon Sustainability Report to share information on the diverse initiatives it is undertaking to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society. This year, the report includes four “Highlights” articles about material topics relating to Canon’s CSR. It also explains how Canon’s CSR activities intersect with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015. The report aims to be comprehensive in nature, providing a range of CSR information in line with the global disclosure guidelines in the GRI Standards for sustainability reporting, and based on the specific nature of Canon’s operations. Chapter headings include “Creating New Value and Solving Social Issues Through Business Activities,” “Environment,” “Human Rights and Labor,” “Social Contribution,” “Product Responsibility,” and “Management Structure.” The report has been prepared in accordance with the Core option of the GRI Standards.

Scope of the Report and Period Covered
In principle, this report covers Canon’s economic, social and environmental activities within the scope of consolidated accounting for 2017 (January 1 to December 31, 2017). The scope of environmental reporting is not limited to activities (development, production, and sales) at operational sites. Rather, it covers every stage of the product lifecycle, including raw materials and parts manufacturing by suppliers, as well as product use by customers. Supplemental information on important targets, indicators, and initiatives prior to and beyond 2017 is referenced in this report. Information specific to a region or organization is indicated as such.

Target of the Report
Data from 376 companies (63 companies in Japan and 313 overseas) that are consolidated companies of the Canon Group have been compiled and reported.

Date of Publication
August 2018 (previous: August 2017, next planned: June 2019)

Contents: Canon Sustainability Report
- About this Report
- Message from Management
- Canon Operations and Sustainability
- Canon Group Business Operations
- Canon’s Growth Strategy and Sustainability
- Relationship with SDGs
- CSR Management

- Activity Highlights
  • Our Innovation Highlights 01 for Society
  • Our Innovation Highlights 02 for Society
  • Our Innovation Highlights 03 for the Earth
  • Our Innovation Highlights 04 for the Earth

- CSR Reporting
  • Creating New Value and Solving Social Issues
  • Through Business Activities
  • Environment
  • Human Rights and Labor
  • Social Contribution
  • Product Responsibility

Management Structure
  • Corporate Governance
  • Risk Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Intellectual Property Management
  • Brand Management
  • Stakeholder Engagement

Third-Party Opinion / Assurance
  • Third-Party Opinion
  • Third-Party Assurance

- Major Awards, Citations, and Association Memberships
- Canon Group Directory

Canon Source: Canon Global