19 April 2017

Canon accepting entries for its 'New Cosmos of Photography 2017' competition

Canon announces entry acceptance schedule for New Cosmos of Photography 2017
Canon announces entry acceptance schedule for New Cosmos of Photography 2017

TOKYO, March 28, 2017—Canon Inc. announced today that the company will begin accepting entries for its New Cosmos of Photography 2017 (40th edition) photo competition on April 20. Since 2015, the contest has expanded to accept digital submissions (stills and video), to encourage more novel forms of photographic expression.

Entries for New Cosmos of Photography 2017 will be accepted between April 20 and June 8, 2017, while the Excellence Award Selection Committee is to meet in July to choose seven Excellence Award winners and fourteen Honorable Mention Award winners. Later, in November, the Grand Prize selection committee is scheduled to meet to select one Grand Prize winner from among the seven Excellence Award-winning entries.

The Grand Prize winner of this year's competition will receive not only JPY 1 million in prize money and a Canon product, but as an added bonus will be granted the right to hold a solo exhibit at the exhibition of winning entries for next year's New Cosmos of Photography. Additionally, to encourage the continued pursuit of their creative activities, 2017 Excellence Award and Honorable Mention Award winners will each receive prize money and the right to display their works at this year's exhibition of winning entries.

For additional information about this year's New Cosmos of Photography competition, visit the New Cosmos of Photography homepage at: global.canon/en/newcosmos

Canon Media Source: Canon Global
The seven Excellence Award winners from the 2016 competition
The seven Excellence Award winners from the 2016 competition - Photo Credit: Canon Global