18 July 2016

Photography Book Recommendation: Macro Photography

Macro Photography: 'From Snapshots to Great Shots' By Rob Sheppard 2015 (Hard Copy Image)
Book Cover: Macro Photography
Macro Photography: 'From Snapshots to Great Shots'
By Rob Sheppard 2015 (Hard Copy)

With a growing interest in macro photography I invested in the Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro lens to use with both my Canon EOS 6D / Canon EOS 70D DSLR bodies.

I acquired this handy book for improving my macro photography knowledge, skills and techniques required for creating higher quality macro photos (with both Canon EOS APS-C and Full Frame bodies).

This well-illustrated macro photography book is highly recommended for new or advanced photographers interested in taking macro photography to the next level.

Macro Photography: Informative Guidance and Demonstrations
Very easy to follow, with detailed explanations for understanding the d
ifference between close-up and macro photography, using different camera bodies / lenses and macro accessories.

The 200+ pages are packed with the author's expert knowledge, skills and many practical camera / macro photography demonstrations. Each chapter is a well-structured combination of macro requirements and settings (with images) and detailed explanations / demonstration on how to achieve similar results.

Macro Photography: Chapter Contents

  • Exploring New Worlds: Photography and discovery 
  • How To Get Close: The macro lens and beyond 
  • Mastering Macro Sharpness: Sharp photos up close require special attention 
  • Optimal Focusing: Focus points, depth of field and sharpness 
  • The Environmental Lens: Using wide focal lengths up close 
  • Isolation Focal Lengths: Using telephoto focal lengths for macro shooting 
  • Light On The Close-Up: Great possibilities for light up close
  • Adding Light On The Close-Up: Bringing your own light 
  • The Importance Of Backgrounds: Pay attention to subject / background 
  • Flowers, Bugs and Other Subjects: Tips, techniques for specific subjects 

Macro Photography: 'From Snapshots to Great Shots' By Rob Sheppard 2015 (Hard Copy Image)
Back Cover : Macro Photography
aMacro Photography Book Cover Images: From Vernon Chalmers Personal Copy

(Click to Enlarge)
Woodbridge Island Bee. With Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro Lens  (Photo: Vernon Chalmers)
With Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro Lens
 (Photo: Vernon Chalmers)