Canon EF Lenses - Portraits Lenses - Lens Tutorial 5/5
Lenses for shooting portraits - this Masterclass looks at some of the best Canon lenses for portraiture, such as the EF 50mm f/1.4 USM, the EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM and the EF 135mm f/2L USM. It also discusses available light portraits, softening backgrounds, depth-of-field and how quiet AF operation and USM motors in Canon lenses can help to capture candid portraits. Canon Source: Canon YouTube Channel>>
All 5 Canon EF Lens Video Tutorials
Tutorial 1: Canon EF Lenses
Tutorial 2: Canon EF Macro Lenses
Tutorial 3: Canon EF Sports / Wildlife Lenses
Tutorial 4: Canon EF Landscape Lenses
Tutorial 5: Canon EF Portrait Lenses
Canon EF / EF-S Lens lineup View>>