01 August 2023

Magic Lantern Support for various Canon EOS Full Frame / APS-C bodies

Magic Lantern For Canon EOS Cameras
Magic Lantern is free open source software enhancing the functionality of compatible / supported Canon EOS full-frame and Canon EOS APS-C cameras.

Main enhancement areas:
  • Audio
  • Live View Overlays
  • Movie
  • Shoot Focus

Magic Lantern key features:
  • Audio: disable AGC and digital filters, audio meters, manual audio controls, selectable input source (internal, internal+external, external stereo, balanced), audio monitoring via USB.
  • Exposure helpers: zebras, false color, histogram, waveform, spotmeter.
  • Focus tools: focus peaking, zoom while recording, trap focus, rack focus, follow focus, focus stacking,zoom in Face Detect mode.
  • Movie helpers: Bitrate control (QScale or CBR), movie logging (Exif-like metadata), auto-restart after buffer overflow or 4 GB limit, clean LiveView display without any overlays, change movie position on the mode dial.
  • Cropmark images: user-editable overlays to assist framing and composition.
  • Fine control for ISO, Shutter, Kelvin white balance and other image settings.
  • Remote release with LCD face sensor and audio trigger, without extra hardware.
  • Bracketing: exposure bracketing, focus stacking.
  • Timelapse: intervalometer (for photos and movies), silent pictures without shutter actuation.
  • Astro- and night photography: bulb timer for very long exposures (up to 8h).
  • Info displays: focus and DOF info, CMOS temperature, shutter count, clock.
  • For strobists: flash exposure compensation, range up to -5 to +3 EV (depends on the camera).
  • Power saving: Turn off display or reduce backlight in LiveView during idle times.
  • Fun stuff: slit-scan pictures.
Source: http://magiclantern.wikia.com

Compatible / Supported Canon EOS Full Frame & APS-C Cameras
  • Canon EOS 5D Mark III
  • Canon EOS 5D Mark II
  • Canon EOS 6D
  • Canon EOS M
  • Canon EOS 7D
  • Canon EOS 60D
  • Canon EOS 50D
  • Canon EOS 40D
  • Canon EOS 100D
  • Canon EOS 500D
  • Canon EOS 650D
  • Canon EOS 700D
  • Canon EOS 1100D
Visit Magic Lantern for detailed features, forum, installation and support


CHDK Software Enhancement for Canon PowerShot Cameras