18 July 2016

eBook Recommendation: Up Close 'A Guide To Macro & Close Up Photography'

eBook Recommendation: Up Close 'A Guide To Macro & Close Up Photography'
eBook Cover: Up Close
Up Close 'A Guide To Macro & Close Up Photography'
By Andrew S. Gibson 2012 (PDF eBook)

Settling into DSLR photography I quickly developed a serious interest into macro / close-up photography. After some online researched I purchased this ebook from Craft & Vision.

My main interest / learning areas
  • Close-up photography with current cameras / lenses
  • Required close-up lenses and accessories
  • Difference between macro and close-up lenses
  • Required camera / flash settings
This 80+ page eBook assisted me finding direction in macro / close-up photography and without doubt saved me money for first experimenting macro / close-up photography with exiting Canon gear before getting a Canon EF 100mm or EF-S 60mm macro lens

After reading Andrew S. Gibson's highly recommended insight into macro / close-up photography I purchased a close-up lens filter (Canon 58mm Close-Up Lens 500 D) and a Canon Extension Tube (Canon Extension Tube EF25 II) to get started - and at this stage I am satisfied with the non-macro lens results).

eBook Contents
  • Crop factor & magnification
  • Testing your lenses
  • Understanding macro lenses
  • Close-up lenses
  • Reverse lens macro
  • Extension tubes
  • How close can you get?
  • Focusing
  • Creating sharp images
  • Depth-of-field
  • Lighting
  • Case Studies (with images)
Canon Extension Tube application
Some of my own close-up photography images with Canon EOS 700D, EF-S 55-250mm lens and Canon Extension Tube EF25 II: (Click to Enlarge)
Vernon Chalmers Photo: Canon EOS 700D / Canon EF-S 55-250mm IS II lens (with extension tube)
Canon EOS 700D / Canon EF-S 55-250mm IS II lens (with extension tube)
Vernon Chalmers Photo: Canon EOS 700D / Canon EF-S 55-250mm IS II lens (with extension tube)
Canon EOS 700D / Canon EF-S 55-250mm IS II lens (with extension tube)
More images here and here >>